Stay Curious. Try Alpha.
”Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.”
Taken from the Alpha Course Website here.
If you’re brand new to hearing about the Alpha course, wow! It’s so good to have you here!
Alpha is the perfect place to meet amazing people, ask the big questions about life, and learn more about what the Christian Faith is all about and why we love this guy called Jesus so much.
But if you’re very much unsure and have lots of questions about God and Christianity, you’re in the right place too! Any conversation about Faith is a worthy one, especially when someone isn’t so sure. Welcome!

What is the Alpha Course?
The Alpha course is typically a 12 week course, one session a week, that dives into the basics of Christianity, but also opens up those big questions that you might not get to ask in your usual circles.
It’s usually small groups of people (7-10) and each week there’s a different topic of focus – for example; How can I have faith? Who is Jesus? How does God guide us?
The Alpha course I’m a part of is ran through my Light and Life Church.
Our Alpha course is over a couple of hours on a Monday evening. We start with food (who doesn’t love free food?!), to give everyone the chance to settle in and start to get to know each other a little better.
Each topic comes with aa 20-30 minute video on the topic of the session. This leaves us with enough time at the end of the evening to have an open discussion about the content of the video, or sometimes take some very obscure tangents into something different altogether!

We run over 12 weeks, with one Saturday afternoon Day Session in between to learn more about the Holy Spirit which is amazing!
How much does the Alpha Course Cost?
The Alpha Course is totally free of charge, there is no cost to joining and taking part. There’s also no obligation to join every week (even though we hope you do!). If you’re only able to join part way through that is absolutely fine, if you can only dip every couple of weeks that’s also absolutely fine. It’s super easy to join whenever you’re able to which is part of what helps make it so welcoming.
Alpha Course Schedule
There’s a different topic each week. And the video we watch covers the basics of the Christian faith relating to the focus of the session. However, by no means does this mean that non-Christians or those that aren’t sure about Faith can’t come and ask questions. That’s the whole point. We want to create a safe space where any questions can be asked, from any view point. It digs into the deeper questions and can encourage =people to think about things they usually wouldn’t in their day to day lives.
Each session also highlights ordinary people who have had the extra-ordinary happen after trying an Alpha Course and honing in on their faith. Similarly, there are celebrities that are quoted too, to show that it’s for absolutely everyone and if you lean into it wonderful things can happen.
How can I join?
There are Alpha courses running all over the world! So there’s always one nearby. We’d love to have you at ours at Salut Coffee House in Bispham.
If we’re not local, you can find your nearest running course on the Alpha website here. Simply pop in your town/postcode and it’ll tell you when the next one near you starts.
Here’s a little more information about the Alpha Course in the video below too:

Fancy it?
At Light and Life we run three Alpha Courses a year, we’ve just started our Spring term for 2024 – Oh, and did we mention there’s free food?! We probably should’ve lead with that! There’s always room for one more, pop a message here or on socials @lialaineuk if you’re curious and want to find out more. We’d love to have you!
God Bless,
Lia x