Lia Laine


Starting Yoga poses: Sun Salutations

Starting Yoga poses: Sun Salutations

Are you brand new to yoga? This ones for you. It’s a step-by-step breakdown of some starting yoga poses, we’re going to show you Sun Salutation A. This will be perfect if you’re just starting out in your yoga journey, because it’s a simple sequence that we’ve made super easy to understand without Sanskrit (yoga pose names).

We’ve added illustrations to go with the each of these starting yoga poses and broken it down into bitesize steps to make it easier to follow, and if you follow it through to the end there’s a free download included for you with all our yoga illustrations as colouring pages! So you can keep them to practice again, print off to give to the little ones to colour, or colour in yourself!   

Lets get going…


What you will need to start yoga:

  1. A space. Big enough for you to stretch out in – your living room/bedroom will do just fine. You don’t need a big empty studio to get going. You won’t need a bigger space than the size of a yoga mat.

  2. A yoga mat. Don’t worry about an expensive mat when you’re just getting started, you need to make sure it’s something you like before committing to that (and it gets more expensive when you end up wanting a Liforme mat in every style and colour!).

    *If you don’t have access to a yoga mat don’t worry, you can practice on the ground – carpet or grass is the softer option but any space will work just as well.

Optional extras:

  1. These starting yoga poses are gentle so some soft background music will work perfectly. If you don’t know where to start, we’ve got a yoga playlist ready-made on Spotify that you can pop on here.

  2. Incense or candles. We’re big incense fans here (hopefully will have some of our own soon!), they smell gorgeous and keep you focussed when you practice.

Also remember; keep hydrated! This is only a short flow that can be used at the beginning of your yoga practice when you feel ready to add more on. But these starting yoga poses are also perfect to run through over and over so make sure to have some water handy.

Ready? Take a deep breath, let’s start yoga… 

1. Hands in Heart Centre

Start stood up, with your feet fully on the ground and shoulder width apart.
Put your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest.

Take a couple of deep, steady breaths. Inhale. Exhale. The same length in and out.


2. Mountain

On your next breath out, sweep your hands down
Stretch them out to the side and round until they’re pointing at the sky.
Join your palms together, arms outstretched above your head.
Keep your feet planted on the ground and keep your knees soft.
Take another deep breath, in and out.


3. Forward Fold

As you next breathe out, pull your arms back down towards the centre of your chest.
Bend from the hips.
Reach to the floor.
Bend your knees if you need to, bring your chest close to your thighs.
Place your hand on the floor.


4. Flat Back

Breath in and lift your chest up half-way and hands off the floor.
Keep your hands lifted or place both palms on your shins.
Keep your back as flat as you can.
One more deep breath


5. Plank

On your next breath out, lower your chest and place your palms back fully onto the mat.
Take a step back with your right leg, then your left.
Into a plank position.
Hands directly under your shoulders.
Keep your body tight and body straight for the perfect plank.
Take two deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale.


6. Upward Dog

Lower your knees to the floor.
Then lower your chest to the mat, keep your elbows tucked in.
Push your chest through your elbows, straighten your arm.
Bringing your hips to the floor and your chest up facing the front of the mat.
Legs out long.
Hold it for a few seconds, take some deep breaths.


7. Downward dog

Flip your toes, bend your knees.
Push from your palms, bum to the sky.
Eyes facing your belly-button.
Straight arms, legs as straight as you can.
Downward facing dog.
Take some breaths.


8. Flat Back

Step forward first with your right leg, bringing it close to your hands.
Then your left leg.
Lift your hands up slightly again, keep them lifted or place them on your shins.
Flatten your back as much as you can.


9. Forward Fold

Bring your chest close to your thighs again.
Place both palms on the floor, bending your legs if you need.
Take some breaths in your second forward fold.


10. Mountain

On your next inhale, slowly (very important) lift yourself up into standing.
Keep your head tucked in until your body is stacked;
Hips above feet, shoulders above hips.
Then sweep your arms out to the side as you lift your head up.
Reach as high as you can above your head, bring your palms together.
Soft knees.
Take a couple of deep breaths.


11. Heart Centre

On a breath out.
Pull your arms down again into your chest.
Palms still together in a prayer position.
And breathe.


12. The other side

Repeat that flow on the other side.
Using your left leg to step back first this time.
Breathe as you go.
Take your time.
No need to rush.


That’s it! You’re a yogi now! These are my favourite to start with, way back when I first started yoga and still now before the rest of any yoga practice. Sun Salutations are the perfect starting yoga poses, to help ground yourself and get in touch with your breath before building on them and making some truly gorgeous yoga flows.

If you have any questions at all please just reach out. If this helped too, let us know and we can add some more to help build your yoga practice.

And as promised, here’s the link to the free yoga poses colouring pages– practice and colour away!

Love and Light

Lia x

Yoga Playlist

Starting Yoga Poses Colouring Pages



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